It was hot in Yazd, I had to get going - I also established too good relations with the hotel staff - guys you are great - specially the manager Mr Hassan!!
You know the feeling of settling in and getting lazy - I even was offered to work there - and I actually helped them with their network setup.
So I went to the Terminal and got lucky. I ended up in Zanjan but I had to switch buses on Azadi square - which is about the size of the first district in Vienna- at 4:30 in the morning - Thanks! The Zanjan has two features beside being extremely average - they are the major knife producer/seller (Alec I wanted to return a favour and buy you a really nice knife but there simply was nothing nice!)
Second Zanjan is close to Gombade-e Soltaniye " of the largest domes in the world , up with the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and St Paul's in London." (48m high 25m diameter)
The LP 2nd Edition rates it as a highlight of the region - I would say it is a highlight of the country. The size is stunning and the internal decoration is not comparable to anything I saw until now! Unfortunately the are renovating the inside of the dome and you can only guess the impression of this big room.
In Zanjan I met a very clever young men, Massud. We did a lot of things together and I was very happy when I realized there will be no bus until the following day that he invited me and I did not have to go back to the filthy lice infested hole of a hotel!
Anyhow yesterday I made it to Tabriz - and I am loving it.
Pity that I will have to leave tomorrow - Tabriz offers endless shopping in the bazaar and many interesting and largely underrated sights. The Masjed-e Kabud was closed the last time I was in Tabriz but the blue color of the entrance never let me go. The have restored and rebuild what was necessary in a nice way and now the interior is stunning. The colors do not translate into a picture though. If I could see only one Mosque in Iran - this would be it.
Tomorrow I will head to Kendowan which is a small town in the mountains and supposedly very beautiful - anyhow it will be a nice bike ride again. After that Oruemye to see my friends and exit to Turkey.

Gombade-e Soltaniye

Inside detail

Massud and a friend

In the park for picnic

Harmless ? fun

Waterpipe in my new favorite place in Zanjan

Tabriz - the view form my window

Masjed-e Kabud

Bazaar - what kind of dates would you like??

Elgoli - park near Tabriz

Practicalities - which side would you choose?

I rediscovered my passion for ferris weels!