One week into the journey it is time to recapitulate.
The weather was perfect, the hospitality is unprecedented, the scenery it unbelievable, the roads are a pain! Still İ shall thank all these wonderful people on the roadside who invited me for tea, for conversation, were cheering when İ passed were offering accommodation and many things more.
Today's stage (Türkeli-Sinop) was a bit of a stretch - İ knew that in the beginning but you know - one always hopes :) 93 km 1302 m Ascent. Which makes it 350 km for those who care and want to give me a hard time about it :) İ would have opted for a bus the last 20 klicks but there simply was nothing. No houses (well some) no town, no nothing!!
Sometimes the map is telling the truth after all. Somehow though İ managed the insanely steep ups and downs along the coast. İ miss a honest mountain pass (x km up and then x km down) but this up down up down drives me nuts.
Well İ shall not complain - the first 30 km İ had exactly that but the rest...
One thing that kept me going today was the wildlife! İ saw about 30 turtles trying to cross the road ( İ nearly drove over one). Unfortunately some of them die trying to do exactly that. Guess turtle is on the road - car is coming - what happens?? Turtle stops of course. İ feel somehow attached to this weird animals. İ guess it is because my sister long long ago had one.
Tomorrow İ decided to take a rest and a bus to Samsung from where İ will head south away from the coast.
The weather was perfect, the hospitality is unprecedented, the scenery it unbelievable, the roads are a pain! Still İ shall thank all these wonderful people on the roadside who invited me for tea, for conversation, were cheering when İ passed were offering accommodation and many things more.
Today's stage (Türkeli-Sinop) was a bit of a stretch - İ knew that in the beginning but you know - one always hopes :) 93 km 1302 m Ascent. Which makes it 350 km for those who care and want to give me a hard time about it :) İ would have opted for a bus the last 20 klicks but there simply was nothing. No houses (well some) no town, no nothing!!
Sometimes the map is telling the truth after all. Somehow though İ managed the insanely steep ups and downs along the coast. İ miss a honest mountain pass (x km up and then x km down) but this up down up down drives me nuts.
Well İ shall not complain - the first 30 km İ had exactly that but the rest...
One thing that kept me going today was the wildlife! İ saw about 30 turtles trying to cross the road ( İ nearly drove over one). Unfortunately some of them die trying to do exactly that. Guess turtle is on the road - car is coming - what happens?? Turtle stops of course. İ feel somehow attached to this weird animals. İ guess it is because my sister long long ago had one.
Tomorrow İ decided to take a rest and a bus to Samsung from where İ will head south away from the coast.
unbelievable colors which do not translate into a picture

My roadside friends...
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